Dec 12, 2006

The Hype

In a spirit of conciseness and establishing a common ground, I'll break into this blog by suggesting a couple of recent articles on the topic of Philadelphia and its future which I consider "must read."

I think they're "must read" in the sense that they are both catalysts for and accurate representations of the spectacular visions for this city's future that condition the current local discussions about politics, economics, crime, re-development, etc.

1. National Geographic Traveler's feature on Philly

2. The now-infamous "Sixth borough" piece from the NY Times

1 comment:

M. Weed said...

I'm not sure how I feel about the whole "sixth borough" thing, because:

1. Philadelphia is vastly different from New York in almost every way. Thus the appeal. (And I wouldn't want it ever to be similar to New York anyway)

2. I'd rather not have Philadelphia fill up with Brooklynites who will just end up being transients and leave the city worse than when they came. I'd love to see families plant here and have kids and invest for the long haul.

I do, however, appreciate these people: